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Monday, June 30, 2014

More ATCs, Better Off Dead.

I don't know how many other people on this earth love John Cusack (from the 80s, strictly) as much as I do. I would hope more than a handful of people have seen Better Off Dead hundreds of times, like I have.  If I had to pick one movie of all the movies I've ever seen, ever, as my favorite, it would be Better Off Dead, without a second thought.
Anyway, I forgot that I wasn't going to do this swap, but I ended up doing it anyway, and I had more fun than I've ever had, mostly because I felt like the whole thing was just a really funny inside joke with only myself. I laughed and giggled and drew and painted and I even got to use washi tape, which is my favorite. And now I have like.. a legit reason to own washi tape.. see I used it on something, see! See!!! So as time goes on I am going to probably make a larger version of this, the tiny size of ATCs made it really hard for me, but I managed. Here they are!

I did several of Lane with the sunglasses (this is a movie poster or something) the bikes are supposed to be a sort of reflection in his sunglasses, but it was really just relative to the quote "I want my two dollars" which is repeated over and over by the paper boy as he chases him down on the bike, so it brought it all together. Then I ran out of the tape so I did Ricky. Just because it made me laugh (it is supposed to look like the picture Ricki gave to the french girl for christmas, with the weird twin or hemp frame or whatever, I couldn't figure out how to do the frame so I just stuck with the picture.) I am not great at adding quotes so ..I did the best I could. Here is a close up of each type.

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